Emergency - (662) 621-4175, After hours (662) 645-1837The department is located on the 1st Floor of the Dickerson-Johnson LibraryOfficers are on duty 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
George BrownDirector of Campus SafetyDickerson-Johnson Library (1st Floor) Extension: 4226gbrown@lesvoorbereiding.com
Orlando BellOfficer, Campus SafetyDickerson-Johnson Library (1st Floor)Extension: 4043obell@lesvoorbereiding.comYumekia SimpsonDispatcherDickerson-Johnson Library (1st Floor)Extension: 4175ysimpson@lesvoorbereiding.comLaShun SimsOfficer, Campus SafetyDickerson-Johnson Library (1st Floor)Extension 4043lsims@lesvoorbereiding.com